Безкоштовна програма для перегляду біблійних перекладів
Afrikaans translation of the Bible
Albanian translation of the Bible
Holy Bible, New Arabic Version (Ketab El Hayat)
The Holy Bible, Southern Azeri translation
New Testament in the Basque Language (Navarro-Labourdin) translated and published by Pierre Hautin
Basque translation of New Testament of the Bible
Bulgarian Bible
Bulgarian Protestant Version
This is an old translation of the New Testament. Copyright by the youth group of the Church of God in Sofia, 1997. Permission for distribution granted by Ventsislav Stoykov
New Chinese Version Simplified
Chinese Union Version Simplified
Chinese Union Version
Croatian translation of the Bible
Biblija Prijevod KS Stari i Novi Zavjet
Modern Czech translation aimed for studies
Bible Kralická
Translation of 21st Century made by Alexandr Flek.
Slovo na cestu
Nová kralicka Bible NT
Czech Ecumenic Translation
Preklad KMS
The electronic edition of this Bible comes from the Danish 1933 edition. The Old Testament is an update from the 1931 edition, and the New Testament is an update from the 1907 edition
Leidse Vertaling
The first official Bible translation into Dutch, based on the OT Masoretic Text and the NT Textus Receptus
Lutherse Vertaling
The Netherlands Bible Society
New King James
The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha. The Messianic version of NT
Contemporary English Version
New revised Standard Version
Modern and accurate English translations of the Bible for the public domain
The Peschito Syriac New Testament by J.W. Etheridge
A limited revision of the King James version, done with reference to the Greek text of Bengel
English Standard Version, Crossway Bibles translation
This material was translated from Spanish into English by Russell M. Stendal and compared with the Old English Translations
John Nelson Darby translation
God’s Word from the original Hebrew and Greek languages translated by Thomas Nelson
New Heart English Bible - Messianic Edition
New Heart English Bible: Special Edition, with Aramaic Names New Testament
New Heart English Bible Special Edition (YHWH), edited by Wayne A. Mitchell
Hebrew Names Version of the World English Bible
Restored Name King James Version
Published in three parts, it is considered the first translation of the Bible into modern English
LXX English Translation [Brenton]
Literal Translation
The Bible in Basic English
Noah Webster Bible
A Conservative Version
A simple word for word update from the King James English. Care has been taken to change nothing doctrinally, but to simply update the spelling and vocabulary
New Heart English Bible Special Edition (Jesus Messiah), edited by Wayne A. Mitchell
A completely new translation of the Holy Bible, effective for public reading, study, memorization and evangelism
Revised Webster Update
The Holy Bible translated by William Tyndale which includes Torah, Jonah and NT
Good News Bible
Green's Literal Translation
Revised King James New Testament by Brad Haugaard
Revised Standard Version
World English Bible
Free updated revision of the ASV (1901), uses terminology more familiar to Messianic Jews
This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman
Translation made by the Christian Bible for the Church of England
Updated for modern reading using today’s computing technology
Jewish Publication Society Old Testament
Free Bible with most archaic words and grammar updated to a more common English style based on the ASV of 1901
The third edition of EMTV of the Holy Bible
The LEB closely follows the original while remaining readable in contemporary English (NT)
Richard F. Weymouth New Testament
New American Standard Bible
New Living Translation
Emphasized Bible by J.B. Rotherham
The New Jerusalem Bible
New English Translation
The World English Bible is a 1997 revision of the ASV of the Holy Bible, first published in 1901
The idea for the King James 2000 version was conceived in the mind of the editor over 50 years ago. It is written especially for those who have memorized and want to preserve the tradition and beauty of the King James Version
The 21st Century King James Version Bible is an updated version of the King James Version. It is not generally considered to be a new translation
Tanakh, Jewish Publication Society
Diaglot or two-language polyglot translation of the NT by Benjamin Wilson
The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
The Living Oracles NT
The Complete Jewish Bible
Centenary Translation of the New Testament by Helen Barrett Montgomery
James Murdock translation, New Testament
Modern King James Version of the Holy Bible
Standardized edition made to reflect the common word and punctuation choices of translations
Geneva Bible
The New International Version US
Language is intended to be at a comfortable reading level for the majority of English readers
God's Word translation
Translation from the Latin Vulgate made by the English College, Douai (American Edition Version, DRA)
American Standard Version
Bishops Bible, Old Testament
New Heart English Bible - Jehovah Edition
The translation made by Robert Young released as a new Revised Edition
A partial Estonian translation of the Bible
Finnish Bible
The 1776 Finnish translation of the Bible, revised in 1859, the first to use Modern Finnish
Bible translated by Jean-Frédéric Ostervald
French version of the Darby Translation
First edition of Bible translated by David Martin
Bible translated by Jean-Frédéric Ostervald, 1996 revision
"Bible du Rabbinat" translated by Zadoc Kahn
French version of the Catholic Bible translation
Translated from Vulgate by Fulcran Grégoire Vigouroux and Jean-Baptiste Glaire
French Bible en français courant
Translation based on Masoretic Text (OT) and Textus Receptus (NT)
Translation by Louis Pirot and Albert Clamer
French Darby Translation with lingual and punctuation corrections
OT translated by Auguste Perret-Gentil, NT by Albert Rilliet
Translation by Louis-Isaac Lemaistre de Sacy (a.k.a. Bible de Mons, Bible de Port-Royal)
Revision of "Bible de l’Épée", translated from the calvinistic viewpoint
French Traduction Oecuménique de la Bible
New Testament translated by Pierre Robert Olivétain in 1535, published by John Kalwin
Catholic Bible translation by Louis-Claude Fillion
This is the classic French equivalent of the English King James Version
OT translation by Félix Bovet and NT by Louis Bonnet
Bible translated by David Martin - 1744 release
Translation from original texts by two Catholic priests - Bernard and Louis Hureau
Catholic translation by Augustin Crampon (missionweb.free.fr)
Translation by Johann Christian Wilhelm August and Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette. Small language corrections for easier reading
Luther Bible
Zürich Bible is aimed for maximal philological exactitude
German Schlachter Version
Translation by Johann Friedrich Karl Leonhard Tafel
Unrevidierte Elberfelder
Luther Bible - Last Hand edition (with original spelling)
New Testament translated by Johannes Greber beased on Codex D manuscripts
1905 exact translation by R. Brockhaus - 2003 revision by "Closed Brothers"
Translation of OT and NT including some apocrypha by Hermann Menge
Translation by Leander van Eß
Concordant NT - each Greek word is always reproduced by the same German word
Open Bible - study version
Bible published by Emil Kautzsch
Luther Bible with apocrypha
Accessible and easy to understand translation by Karl-Heinz Vanheiden
Luther Bible - "Last Hand" edition (with lingual corrections)
New Testament in Alemannic German dialect, translated by Dietmar Wiesler from Luther Bible
New Testament translated by Abraham Meister
Open Bible - reading version
Old Testament translated by Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai (Harry Torczyner)
NT translated from Vulgate by Johann Hyacinth Kistemaker
Open-source translation aimed for young people
Translation published by Paul Pattloch in 1962 (OT) and 1972 (NT)
Translation by Paul Riessler (OT) and Ruppert Storr (NT)
NT translation by Johannes Piscator
Unknown author and date, some missing verses
Translated by Ludwig Albrecht from Greek in a language understandable to uneducated people
FreeBible based on Elberfelder revisions 1855-1871
Gospels translated by Ludwig Reinhardt
New Testament translation from Greek by Johann Albrecht Albert Bengel. Translted in 1740, first published in 1753.
Revidierte Lutherbibel
Luther Bibel
Revidierte Elverfelde
Westcott-Hort New Testament (NA27U4 variants)
Textus Receptus New Testament Stephanus edition
Greek-language version of the New Testament
Year 2000 edition of Byzantine Text (unknown editor)
Tischendorf's Eighth Edition GNT
Textus Receptus New Testament Scrivener edition
Combined Greek New Testament Manuscripts: 1550 Stephens Textus Receptus (T), 1894 Scrivner Textus Receptus (S), Byzantine Majority (B) and Alexandrian (A)
Wilbur Pickering's text representing the Family 35 (Kr) group of Byzantine manuscripts
Bible in modern Greek
Translation of the Hebrew Bible and some related texts into Koine Greek
Modern Hebrew Bible
Bible Hébraïque
This text began as an electronic transcription by Whitaker and Parunak of the 1983 printed edition of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)
The Aleppo Codex without Vowel Points or Punctuation Based on the electronic edition
Hindi Easy-to-Read Version
Magyar Bibliatarsulat Ujforditasu Bibliaja
Translation by Giovanni Diodati
Catholic translation by Italian Episcopal Conference
A different CEI edition - unknown year and provenience
La Nuova Diodati
NVB Sao Paolo Edizione
Giovanni Diodati Italian translation of the Bible
La Sacra Bibbia Nuova Riveduta
Korean Bible
Latvian translation of the New Testament of the Bible
Norwegian translation of the Bible
Den første komplette Bibel på nynorsk, utgitt av Studentmållaget i Oslo
Psalmy oraz Nowy Testament w przekładzie Bolesława Goetze
Osiem ksiąg Starego Testamentu przetłumaczonych przez Czesława Miłosza
Psalmy w przekładzie Fryderyka Aszkenazego
Księga Rodzaju w tłumaczeniu Artura Sandauera
Psalmy z Biblii Greckiej w przekładzie ks. Antoniego Tronina
Psalmy w przekładzie na wiersz rymowany, Henryk Adamczyk
Biblia Szwedzka NT
Biblia Jakuba Wujka
Nowy Testament w przekładzie Eugeniusza Dąbrowskiego z Wulgaty
Przekład większości ksiąg Starego Testamentu dokonany przez Józefa Kruszyńskiego
Nowy Testament po polsku, czyli święta Pana Naszego Jezusa Chrystusa Ewangelia
Przekład Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, wydawany od lat 60
Pieśń nad Pieśniami z Brulionu Tomasza ze Zbrudzewa
Biblia Lubelska (brak Joz, Sdz, Rt, 1Krl, 2Krl, Pnp)
Przekład filologiczny z języka greckiego według XXVII edycji Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece
Protestancki przekład wykonany przez kalwiński Kościół Reformowany
Fragmenty pierwszej księgi Mojżeszowej w tłumaczeniu Salomona Spitzera
Psalmy w przekładzie Leopolda Staffa
Przekład Ewangelii Mateusza i Ewangelii Marka z komentarzem, dokonany przez Władysława Witwickiego
Nowy Testament w przekładzie Seweryna Kowalskiego
Przekład Nowego Testamentu w tłumaczeniu Braci Polskich
Biblia Góralska Nowy Testament
Nowy Testament w przekładzie Słowo Życia
Psałterz Jana Kochanowskiego
Nowy Testament w Przekładzie Współczesnym
Biblia Mesjańska
Nowy Testament w przekładzie Andrzeja Mazurkiewicza bazujący na kodeksie Bezy i kodeksie Clermont
Przekład Toruński Nowego Przymierza i wybrane księgi Starego Przymierza, wydanie 4
Nowy Testament w przekładzie Eugeniusza Dąbrowskiego z języka greckiego
Biblia Tysiąclecia, wydanie IV
Nowy Testament w przekładzie Słowo Życia
Przekład Toruński Nowego Przymierza i wybrane księgi Starego Przymierza, wydanie 2
Pięcioksiąg Mojżesza i Psalmy w przekładzie Izaaka Cylkowa
Przekład rabina dra Józefa Miesesa, Naczelnego Rabina Wojsk Polskich
Biblia Tysiąclecia, wydanie III
Nowy Testament w przekładzie dosłownym Biblii Ewangelicznej
Przekład niektórych psalmów dokonany przez Wespezjana Kochowskiego
Pierwszy ekumeniczny przekład Pisma Świętego na język polski
Biblia Warszawsko-Praska
Biblia Poznańska
Biblia Tysiąclecia, wydanie V
Tłumaczenie z języka greckiego z wydania Textus Receptus wykonane przez Grzegorza Michalskiego
Przekład z języka hebrajskiego, aramejskiego i greckiego wykonane przez Grzegorza Michalskiego
Rewizja protestanckiej Biblii gdańskiej z 1632 roku wydana przez Wrota Nadziei
Biblia Szymona Budnego
Przekład Nowego Świata wykorzystywany przez Świadków Jehowy. Odnowiona wersja z 2018 roku.
Kompletny przekład wykonany przez Ewangeliczny Instytut Biblijny
Przekład Biblii na język polski dokonany wspólnie przez braci czeskich i kalwinistów
Biblia Tysiąclecia, wydanie II
ST na bazie Tanach, Septuaginty oraz Biblii Gdańskiej; NT bazujący na "Textus Receptus"
Przekład Nowego Świata wykorzystywany przez Świadków Jehowy
Biblia Paulistów
Przekład opracowany przez Komisję Przekładu Pisma Świętego
Portuguese Almeida Revista e Atualizada
Portugeses Corrigida Fiel
Portuguese Modern Language Translation
Protestant denominations mainly use the widespread translation of Dumitru Cornilescu
RCCV is a Romanian Bible translated by Dumitru Cornilescu and corrected orthographically and morphologically by Miodrag Rechesan
Church Slavonic Elizabeth Bible
Russian translation of the NT made by the Watch Tower Bible society
"Synod Version" Russian translation of the Bible
Sväte Písmo
Spanish Reina-Valera Revised
Las 1569 Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua
Reina-Valera Actualizada
La Biblia de Las Americas
Swahili translation of the New Testament of the Bible
Svenska Folkbibeln
The text is that published by the British and Foreign Bible Society
KJV Thai translation
Turkish Bible
Turkish translation of the Bible
Ukrainian translation of the New Testament of the Bible done by Panteleimon Kulish
Vietnamese translation of the Bible
New Vietnamese Bible
Breton translation of the New Testament Gospels of the Bible
Bible translations into Esperanto
Vulgatæ Editionis, Sixti V et Clementis VIII, P. Michael Hetzenauer Editore
Biblia Sacra Vulgatæ Editionis Sixti Quinti Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita atque edita
Latin translation of the Bible
Clementine Vulgate